Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Folks, we’ve been hearing quite a lot lately about the DC’s new Code of Official Conduct, haven’t we?! Barely in place, and badaboom, it’s already been in a train wreck. (Sorry, METRO, I wasn’t talking about you!) Aren’t you curious to know exactly what is now required of the City Council and its staff? Don’t you wonder just a little how something like taking a bribe might be disallowed? And possibly you are curious about the penalties. The penalties, now doesn’t the idea of penalties make your mouth water? Gotta be some juicy penalties, you know – hard time, big fines, even a perp walk before cameras, all the good stuff?! Right? Wrong.

Just to help you know what actually is being regulated for the first time (we won’t go so far as to say being outlawed, actually), Mme. Magpie thought you might like to see what the Code of Official Conduct looks like. Printing the actual bills that are passed always seems to be too much effort for our local press to share with the public – they NEVER print the laws, they only comment on them – but Mme. Magpie has tracked down the actual bill and distilled the juicy parts out for your review. Or amusement, depending on your point of view. The critical parts of the new Code of Official Conduct are as follows:

(a) Councilmembers and Council staff shall maintain a high level of ethical conduct in connection with the performance of their official duties, and shall refrain from taking, ordering, or participating in any official action which would adversely affect the confidence of the public in the integrity of the District government. Council members shall strive to act solely in the public interest and not for any personal gain, or take an official action on a matter as to which he or she has a potential conflict of interest created by a personal, family, client or business interest, avoiding both actual and perceived conflicts of interest and preferential treatment.

(b) Councilmembers and Council staff shall take full responsibility for understanding and complying with the letter and spirit of all laws and regulations governing standards of conduct for District public officials, including those relating to conduct, conflict of interest, gifts, disclosures, campaign finance, political activity and freedom of information.

(c) Councilmembers and Council staff shall specifically adhere to the Council Code of Official Conduct that lists the core ethical principles that build public trust in government.

I mean, folks, this is really gutsy stuff. My favorite part is where they’re ordered “to strive to act solely in the public interest”. That really gets me in the heart strings. Could it be that taking a bribe might not be striving? Who knows? And who cares, if the Code doesn’t lay out any penalties?!

Mme. Magpie needs to fan herself – she is overcome by the excitement that breaking the Code induces. Gosh, she thought that The Wire was the last word in criminal activity – she is astonished to learn that we have REAL official crime going on right here in DC, (we never knew) and, boy! is our Code of Official Conduct on the job. What will we find out next? Can't wait! Wasn't it a member of New York's Tammany Hall who said only a century ago,"I seen my opportunities, and I took 'em!"

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