Tomorrow, I will stand in quiet stillness
in this beloved land, holding the hands
of those I love. Then we will walk together,
slipping into a swelling multitude of marchers.
Our gathering will signal the start
of what must happen here
if this sacred place is to be remembered
for the glory in what it has asked of those
who sought its freedom
rather than be forgotten for what it has recklessly abandoned.
It is time for public honor to be restored
lest we forget forever the notion of America.
I am no longer willing to be frightened or deceived.
I am done with edging around dread-blackened borders
and circling in tired silence past gated lies.
I want no more seized sacrifice of precious lives
I ask that civic dignity
be entrusted to our citizens
who lay their dreams on hallowed ground,
brilliant dreams wrapped in truth and tied
tightly by persistent, wise fingers.
Our passion must be answered with respect and action.
If it is paid no heed, I dread the consequence
Let us begin with honest words and righteous deeds.
Our Words of State must ring with truth,
honesty must be inked onto our documents,
justice must be written large, and mercy not forgotten.
If we allow trust to binds us once again,
If we finally understand the importance of, the wisdom in
of out of many one,
we will have grand reason to celebrate
a new Day of Interdependence.
I am uncertain that we are ready to undertake this needed salvage
But I am certain that we must if America is to be remembered as a
Place that turned an
overarching dream into a vivid, if imperfect reality
~ By Susan Meehan (MmeMagpie), WashingtonDC , December 21, 2011